Stress: when a jolt becomes an overload for the body
Stress is a non-specific response of the organism to some impact/demand - it causes a “stress response”.
The demand or “stressor” can be positive (e.g., new job, new relationship) or negative (e.g., fear, trauma).
Some degree of stress is a normal part of life and can serve as a trigger for action or change.

However, if stress is excessive or chronic, the stress response can overwhelm and harm every system in the body.
Causes of stress:

🍔 Poor nutrition: nutrient deficiencies
(e.g., high prevalence of highly processed foods in the diet, high alcohol consumption).
highly processed foods, high alcohol consumption).

🫨Personal stress: dissatisfaction with self, financial problems,
problems in relationships with family members, friends, work.

🦠Disruption of body functions: injuries or illnesses such as allergies, skin conditions, thyroid disorders, chronic inflammatory diseases. Detoxification - slow or rapid detoxification of certain neurotransmitters or hormones can lead to imbalance of stress hormones (e.g. COMT/MAO).

☢️Стрессоры environment: radiation, e.g. from cell phones, x-rays, microwave ovens; pesticides,
industrial and household chemicals.
24 FEBRUARY / 2024