Microplastic. What is it? Its dangers and how to reduce exposure.
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Pollution isn't just something we can see - trash floating in the oceans or accumulating on land. There's something smaller and meaner causing bigger problems - microplastics.
What is microplastic - These are small plastic particles less than 5mm in size. They come in a variety of shapes, including microbeads used in personal care products, microfibers that come off your clothes when you wash them, and shards that splinter when large plastic items break apart into smaller pieces. Despite its small size, microplastic is a huge problem because it stays in the environment for a long time and can absorb other harmful chemicals.
Where is microplastic found?

Microplastics have penetrated almost every corner of our planet and are found in a variety of unexpected places:

Water: Microplastics can find their way into rivers, lakes, and oceans, either from direct discharge or washing up from land. For example, tiny plastic beads in exfoliating scrubs can be washed down the drain and end up in rivers and oceans.

Air: They can float in the air and travel on the wind, eventually landing back on land or water. An example is microplastics from tires, wear and tear on roads, which can become airborne and spread everywhere.

Soil: Some farming practices such as using plastic to cover soil or spreading wastewater containing microplastics. For example, plastic mulch used in agriculture can break down over time, leaving behind tiny plastic particles in the soil.

Eating: Microplastics can enter the food chain when tiny aquatic creatures eat them, and then these creatures are eaten by larger animals. Example: fish ingesting microplastics in the ocean, which can end up on our dinner plates.

Drinking water: Bottled water, beverages - this shows how widespread microplastics are in our drinking water sources. Plastic bottles can leach tiny plastic particles into the contained liquid.

Everyday items such as cosmetics, packaging materials and synthetic clothing. Examples: microparticles in toothpaste and face wash, polyester or nylon clothing, disposable plastic cutlery, disposable coffee cup lids and straws. All of these items break down into harmful microplastics.

The hidden health risks of microplastics

Microplastics can increase the risk of:

Developing cancer because of their ability to cause oxidative stress in the body. When microplastics enter the bloodstream or accumulate in tissues, they can damage cellular DNA and increase the risk of mutations that lead to cancerous growths.

Hormonal imbalance, By mimicking or blocking the effects of natural hormones, microplastics can disrupt the delicate balance of hormonal regulation, leading to a variety of health problems related to reproductive health, metabolism, and immune function.

Inflammation is a common consequence of microplastic exposure, caused by the body's immune response to foreign substances. When microplastics enter the bloodstream or accumulate in tissues, they can trigger an inflammatory response and exacerbate existing diseases and contribute to the development of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's disease.

Metabolic disorders, including obesity and diabetes. These tiny particles can disrupt metabolic pathways and interfere with your body's ability to regulate energy balance. This can lead to insulin resistance, when your cells don't respond well to insulin signals. When this happens, your blood sugar levels can rise, putting you at risk for type 2 diabetes.

Neurological damage - Microplastics have been shown to cross the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in the brain, where they disrupt signals in your brain. This causes problems with brain cell function and can lead to learning and memory problems in children and cognitive decline in adults.

Changes in the gut microbiome. Microplastics can alter the composition and diversity of the microbial community inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract.

Reproductive and developmental toxicity, posing risks to fertility, pregnancy outcomes, and offspring health. These particles disrupt the hormones that control reproduction and cause problems with egg and sperm development, potentially leading to poor fetal growth, birth defects and developmental delays.

13 ways to reduce your exposure to microplastics:

1. Filter your drinking water. Invest in a high-quality water filter that can remove microplastic particles from tap water.

2. Choose natural fiber clothing : cotton, wool and linen, which reduces fewer microplastic fibers compared to synthetic fabrics such as polyester and nylon.

3. avoid disposable : plastic bags, bottles and packaging. Choose multi-hour alternatives made of glass, stainless steel or bamboo. If you ever use plastic containers, never microwave them or store hot food in them, as heat can aggravate microplastic leaching.

4. Replace regular foil with beeswax wraps, as soft plastics contain more microplastics than hard plastics. Choose wooden, glass, or silicone cutting boards instead of plastic ones to reduce microplastic buildup during cooking.

5. Avoid plastic water bottles and be careful with BPA-free plastic bottles, as they contain invisible plastic materials that leach into the water. Reusable alternatives such as glass water bottles or stainless steel water bottles are better options.

6. Use natural cleaning agents such as vinegar and bicarb soda to avoid microplastic ingredients such as polyethylene glycol (PEG) or polypropylene (PP) found in conventional cleaning products.
7. Avoid microbeads in personal care products. Check the ingredient labels of cosmetics, skin care products and toothpaste to make sure they don't contain microbeads used as exfoliants. Look for products with natural alternatives such as apricot kernel powder or jojoba beads.

8. Cook with glass or stainless steel, avoid cooking in plastic-coated cookware as the heat can cause the plastic to expel harmful chemicals and microplastics into the food.

9. Reduce your consumption of seafood, especially shellfish, as they tend to contain higher levels of microplastics due to their filtering nature. Choose wild-caught fish or seafood products from reputable sources that are harvested using sustainable fishing practices.

10. Avoid canned foods as cans are often lined with chemicals such as BPA or other plastic alternatives that can leach into the contents, especially acidic foods such as tomatoes and oily seafood.

11. Replace plastic tea bags with reusable and reusable linen tea bags or tea balls. Many tea brands use plastic in their bags (which is in the sealant used to close the tea bag) that can get into your tea when you add hot water.

12. Replace regular sea salt with alternatives such as Redmond or Himalayan salt. Microplastics can make their way into sea salt due to ocean pollution. Redmond salt, for example, offers a cleaner option sourced from a pristine environment, ensuring that your seasoning is free of these harmful contaminants.

13. Avoid processed foods as they are made with plastic tools or packaging, which can introduce microplastics into the final product during manufacturing and packaging. Always choose a whole food, naturopathic diet rich in organic vegetables, quality protein and healthy fats.

16 APRIL/ 2024